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Gardening Tips

The change in season brings a change of activities. Gardening and yard work are a great way to be physically active and enjoy the Spring weather. I do not have a green thumb and the deer are a major issue but the change in weather really helps get me motivated to attempt to make my yard look nice and it is a great reason to get outside! 

Here are some helpful tips to make sure you are staying safe, pain free and enjoying gardening and working in your yard this Spring:

  • Before starting out, make sure to check your yard for uneven ground, roots sticking out, loose rocks, branches/sticks that may be in your way, to avoid tripping or falling. 
  • Gardening can be a strenuous activity, so it is a good idea to take a few minutes to stretch/warm up before starting.
  • Take frequent breaks and remember to hydrate.
  • If you can, I would recommend raised plant beds and potted plants so that you do not have to be on the ground or bending over as much.
  • If you are working from the ground, I recommend using a pad to kneel on and using a half kneel position to keep your back in a more upright position and changing legs frequently.
  • Work in small areas so that you are not over reaching which could cause discomfort in your back, neck or shoulders or cause you to lose your balance. 
  • While you are gardening or doing yard work try to engage your core to help support your low back. Engage your core by pulling your belly button in towards your spine and tightening.
  • If you are raking be sure to switch arms to avoid overworking one side of your body. Rake when it is dry, wet leaves are heavier and also more slippery. Your body will thank you 🙂
  • Remember to bend at your knees and hips, and lift with your legs, not your back. Lifting lighter loads, more frequently is better than trying to fill up or lift as much as you can at one time. When lifting and carrying hold objects as close to your body and centered if possible.
  • If you need to use a ladder, make sure someone is near by and aware.

Contact A to Z Personal Wellness if you are feeling unsteady or want to improve your strength to make your yard work easier and more enjoyable!

Spring Cleaning Tips

The weather is changing and I am feeling energized and excited for Spring! I do not love cleaning but at this time of year I do get a small urge to organize and deep clean my house. If you are in the mood to Spring clean here are some tips to help make it productive, healthy, and not a dreaded experience. 

First, remember that there is no real benefit of rushing through the cleaning process and getting it all done as fast as possible. It is important for your body to take frequent breaks or to pick a few tasks to tackle each day instead of doing it all at once. Try doing one room a day. Doing too much in a day can cause aches and pains or even injury. 

Using good body mechanics is key, if you don’t your body will let you know later on. Here are some tips to help with that:

If you are vacuuming, keep the vacuum handle at your side and walk with it instead of reaching out with your body. Walking with the vacuum allows you to maintain better posture to avoid low back or shoulder discomfort. 

If you are mopping or sweeping, try to avoid stooping/leaning too far forward by moving your legs back and forth and working in a small area at a time. Also, if mopping try using a spray bottle for cleaner and clean water to avoid dealing with a large bucket.

Use a secure step ladder or step stool to wash windows or paint to help keep your body level with the area you are working on. This will allow you to avoid straining, twisting, pulling or over-reaching which can sometimes cause pain to the low back, neck or shoulders. 

If you are carrying containers, laundry baskets or other heavy or large objects keep them close to your body – at your center of gravity. Remember to bend at the knees and hips when lifting so that you don’t strain your back. 

Spring cleaning can be a great way to be active and feel good afterward. For an added bonus and to make you feel even better after try to keep your core muscle activated as you clean.

If you are having trouble or feeling out of shape doing any of these activities contact A to Z Personal Wellness to design an exercise program to make cleaning easier for you and get you ready to enjoy the rest of Spring!

Staying Active in the Winter

Winter is long and not all of us can be snow birds and go somewhere warm for the winter. When you add in navigating the pandemic, winter can seem extra long. It may be hard to motivate yourself to go out in the cold weather or you may be fearful of falling/slipping on ice or driving in bad weather but it is still so important to remain active. Lack of activity and exercise can decrease strength, balance, mobility and increase your aches and pains. So enough about the negatives of winter! Let’s make it more enjoyable. 

There are easy and safe ways to remain active and keep you energized, feeling good and allows you to be in a better mood. Here are some ideas:

  • Call a friend and instead of sitting down to chat, walk around your house instead. 
  • Set a timer to get up and move every 45 minutes. You don’t have to do any exercise but just get up and move around for 2-3 minutes and then sit back down. 
  • If you are watching TV do some type of exercise or walking during commercials. An example could be marching your legs and pulling your tummy in tight to activate your core, this could be done sitting or standing. 
  • Meet a friend to walk around the mall, a store, an indoor track or rec center. There are lots of benches and places to sit at the mall if you need a rest break.
  • Walk outside if the roads/and or sidewalks are clear. Fresh air helps boost your immune system, is good for you brain, body and mood. Be sure to bundle up!

If you need to go out and shovel, be sure to do it safely. Wear proper footwear and make sure you can clearly see the area you will be shoveling so that you are aware of ice or uneven ground to prevent a fall. Take frequent breaks and don’t rush through it. Typically if you are rushing through it you may not be using the best body mechanics which could lead to an injury or discomfort later on. When shoveling bend at the hips and knees, not at your back. Keep the heaviest part of the load close to your body. Use  your leg muscles instead of your back to lift the snow/shovel. Hopefully we will be done with shoveling snow soon!

Lastly, contact me for an at home exercise program or an in-home or virtual training session 🙂