It is officially Summer and the hot weather is here! With the warmer weather it is important to increase your water intake. 

Staying hydrated is important for everyone but as we age it becomes more important and some times more of a challenge.

As we age we start to lose our sense of appetite and thirst so we may not be aware we are thirsty/needing water.

Medications can also increase risk of dehydration so ask your doctor or a pharmacist if you are unsure.

Your body composition also changes as you age which causes less water to be in our bodies.

Being hydrated helps your joints stay lubricated to move smoothly and with more ease which can decrease stiffness, aches and pains.

Other benefits of drinking more water include improved cognition, increased energy, improved digestion and better body temperature regulation.

How to tell if you are dehydrated: if you are not going to the bathroom much and if urine is dark colored and more concentrated

Symptoms of dehydration include: fatigue, feeling weak, dizziness, headaches, muscle cramps, confusion, dry mouth

These symptoms of dehydration can also increase your risk of falling and or injuring yourself.

If it is a challenge for you to drink water throughout the day or you just don’t like water you can of course try flavored water but you could also try smoothies or eat foods that have high water content such as watermelon, grapes, apples, strawberries, cantelope, tomatoes and cucumbers. 

If you aren’t sure how much water you are drinking, it may be beneficial to choose a water bottle that measures how many ounces you should be drinking and fill it up each morning to be sure you drink throughout the day or catch up if you are behind. This can also be helpful if you have a hard time remembering to drink water, this water bottle can be with you all day so you see it and it reminds you to drink. 

Get into a routine of always drinking water at the same time each day, one glass as soon as you wake up or one glass of water with every meal, one glass of water after exercise etc. If drinking a whole glass is too much, you can take small sips consistently throughout the day.

There are also free apps for your phone you can use to track how much you are drinking and can remind you when you need to drink water.

Also try to ease into exercising or being active out in the heat to give your body time to adjust to the warmer temperatures. 

There is no one right answer for how much water to drink because there are so many individual factors to consider but if you feel energized and your urine is light colored or clear that is a good sign!

Happy Summer!

Contact A to Z Personal Wellness for a summer time exercise program that can be done indoors or outdoors.