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Tips for Traveling and Fitting Exercise in this Holiday Season

The holidays are right around the corner, which is exciting, can be stressful, very busy, and can throw us off of our routine. I know for me, it is harder to make time to exercise. It is even harder to keep up with an exercise routine if you are traveling. Here are some tips to keep exercising during this busy and fun holiday season.

If you are traveling by car, take breaks every 2 hours to to walk/stretch. This will help decrease aches and pains and keep your body happy. If in a car or a plane, pump your ankles (point your toes up and then down) to get blood flowing. Even if you are on a plane, try to move around/walk a little bit, at least every 2 hours.

Drink water! – I know I say this a lot, but while traveling it is easy to get dehydrated, especially if you are traveling by plane. Staying hydrated keeps your joints lubricated, gives your more energy and the list goes on with all of its benefits.

Keep your medications organized and stick to your routine. Being out of your normal routine can also cause a change in when you take your medications but it is best to take the same dose at same time to avoid any negative effects.

If you are staying overnight somewhere, make sure there is a night light or light switches that are very easy to access and that you have a clear path from your bed to the bathroom. This will help prevent tripping or falling in a dark and unfamiliar area.

Try to fit in exercises in short bouts if you don’t have enough time to do your regular routine. “Exercise Snacking” is great during the holidays. If you are in the kitchen cooking, do some marching in place or side stepping. Practice standing on one leg while you brush your teeth. Each time you stand up from a chair try to avoid using your arms so that your leg muscles do the work. If there are stairs where you are, try going up and down them 2, 3 or more times in a row or doing step-ups on the bottom step. Another option when driving places is to park farther away to get more steps in.

Examples of some exercises that you can do in a hotel, while staying at a friend or relative’s, or at your own home are:

Wall push ups


Heel raises

Toe Raises


Standing on one leg for balance

These can be done anytime throughout the day and they don’t have to be done all at once.

If you want to keep resistance exercises in your routine, resistance bands are easy to travel with because they don’t take up much space, they are light and you can use them for core, upper and lower body exercises.

You know the saying, “use it or lose it.” Don’t lose it this holiday season!

For an individualized exercise program or more exercise snacks that you can do anytime and anywhere during the holiday season contact A to Z Personal Wellness.